We already knew it, but now it’s official - Agnostic is a Great Place to Work™!
Canada is no exception to the impact of the Great Resignation and the talent race taking place. The communications industry; where we put such value on talent and people, is no exception. At Agnostic we have never valued our people more - and what a thrill for that emphasis on talent and people to be recognized, as Agnostic is officially accredited as a Great Place To Work.
Being a Great Place To Work is something we don’t just talk about but something that we strive to achieve everyday. For a three-year-old agency that has seen unprecedented growth during one of the most challenging periods in recent history, it’s something we plan on staying true to no matter what size we grow or how many pandemics we face.
How do we plan on keeping a Great Place to Work, well, a really great place to work? By reminding ourselves everyday what it takes:
Live Your Values
The communications industry is notorious for being a tough place to thrive. We say all the right things and then long hours and stressful work environments take over. But that doesn’t have to be the case.
The most consistent feedback that we received from our team in our GPTW survey was that “the culture and environment at Agnostic isn’t just a facade.” Our leadership team has been steadfast in always trying to do the next right thing and as a result has carefully crafted a place that brings the best of communications and agency life and leaves no room for anything else. If an organization can create an environment where the most important thing is being focused on doing what we all love - amazing work with colleagues and clients who we enjoy working with - there isn’t much room left for anything else.
Everyone Needs to Be Heard.
It is easy to let a whole host of things get in the way of focusing on the team. Yet, it is this dedicated commitment to putting our team first — and ensuring everyone feels they are being heard — that has helped us attract incredible staff and grow together. As one team member put it “I can honestly say that every senior member of our team cares and treats junior members with respect and gives junior members the opportunity to grow and learn. Everyone is treated with respect, everyone is celebrated when they do good work and it truly is a wonderful place to work.”
We are an employee-led organization, not just when it comes to things like hybrid work but also in how we get to our best work. We provide robust mental health support and we know that work is just one part of a person’s day so we strive to create a manageable workload across our team. We also try to be a flexible organization that understands what works today may not work tomorrow, and that’s ok.
It’s both the little and big things that matter
Like any relationship, it takes time and attention to grow. As a society we often operate in a culture of busyness, so it can be easy to forget to celebrate the little things (and even sometimes the big things). Yet at Agnostic, this has been a part of our culture from day one.
TNTs we call them. Tiny Noticeable Things.
Whether it is a birthday, anniversary celebration, year-round early hours that offer employees the opportunity to log off at 2 p.m. every Friday, coffee chats, manager drop ins, all of these tiny noticeable things matter. We know that sometimes the little things are really the big things in disguise.
We also do the big things really well - like REALLY well! From Pirate Boat Cruises, to ping pong tournaments, to park meet-ups, to late-night karaoke sessions — our team LOVES a good party. And why wouldn’t we? We get time to celebrate with amazing people!
It’s easy to sit back and reflect on how we got to where we are, just three years in from our relaunch as an agency. But the truth is, most days we’re just doing our best to make this a place that we all look forward to working at each day. No one ever gets it 100% right, but we’re committed to getting it 97% right, 100% of the time!
If you’re interested in learning more about Agnostic and what makes us such a special organization to join, check out our careers page or drop us a line at hello@thinkagnostic.com.