April 2021 - Digital Time Capsule

pril’s showers may bring May flowers, but April’s news is what got us through yet another pandemic month. From hopeful vaccine updates to devilish shoes, April is sure to be a month we won’t forget. 

We’ve recapped some of the bigger news from the month below! 

Generation Xeneca

Earlier this month, several provinces lowered the age restrictions to include Gen X-ers in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, which led to an infectious enthusiasm amongst the over 40 crowd. As boomers weren’t so keen to get the AstraZeneca vaccine, Generation Xeneca came to the rescue with their sleeves rolled up. It also made for some hilarious content, joking about how they’ve definitely lived through more questionable things than getting a vaccine with an incredibly high efficacy rate. 


Earth Day 2021

This year marked the 51st anniversary of Earth Day around the world. With this year’s theme being ‘restore our Earth’, It also marked just how important it is to prioritize climate action to restore the world’s ecosystems. Many brands stepped up to the plate this year, including: 

Call me by your controversy

We KNOW the song was released last month, but how could we NOT talk about the controversy around Lil Nas X’s Montero (Call Me By Your Name)?! Despite topping the Billboard charts, the song was faced with satanic panic, blatant homophobia, a lawsuit and mysterious disappearance from streaming platforms. While the dust seems to have settled, for now, it sure as hell had a good run! 

Pandemic 4/20 

With weed sales skyrocketing during the pandemic, it’s no surprise that this 4/20 was well celebrated. In fact, just in time for 4/20, Truss Beverages launched SIX new flavours for you to taste this summer. Check out what flavours have been added to its already robust line of products here.

Pro tip: We sadly learned last month that Toronto hit the brakes on a proposed pilot project that would allow people to sip alcoholic-bevies at the park. However, while alcoholic beverages may be a no-no, cannabis beverages are totally a go. Start low and sip slow.

The most boring awards show we did ever see

Yep, we’re talking about the snooze-fest they called the Oscars this year. Not only was viewership down by 58%, but it also shared some interesting behind-the-scenes messaging such as being a completely maskless event to post-pandemic aspirational commercials. With vaccines now available to 18+ in hot spots throughout Ontario, is this the light at the end of the tunnel we’ve been waiting for? 

From Super League to super fail
Soccer fans kicked up a storm this past month when 12 of Europe’s biggest soccer clubs announced their intention to form a “Super League”, which guaranteed the founding clubs a position in the league regardless of their performance. The outrage from fans was so strong that it took just 48 hours for the league to fall apart, with clubs withdrawing and some even issuing an apology for having the gall to take part in this project


Five tips for starting a new job remotely


March 2021 - Digital Time Capsule